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Lazy Sussan? (or why merely having a bullying policy is not enough!)
Businesses need to act when an employee is showing signs of distress caused by something that has occurred in the workplace. The risk of a claim will be higher if it can be shown that the business was aware of the effect the workplace environment was having on the employee.

Franchise alert: New code of conduct starts soon!
The Code is a mandatory industry code that all Australian franchisors and franchisees must comply with. The Government has now legislated the new Code and we can now see what changes have been implemented. The new Code will apply from 1 January 2015 and will apply to all franchises across Australia. Mitchell Zadow outlines the key changes.

Looking to sell? Amendments to disclosure obligations for vendors
To ensure that you avoid difficulty when looking to sell, it is crucial that a solicitor prepare your Contract and Vendor's Statement. They can ensure that you comply with your disclosure obligations and that any Contract entered into is valid and binding. Further, any documents prepared before the introduction of the new requirements should be recalled and amended as necessary to ensure compliance.

Bank Guarantees: Does a landlord have unrestricted access?
Is a landlord entitled to call on a bank guarantee if they claim in good faith that there was a breach? Or, does there need to be an actual beach for the landlord to exercise their entitlement? Landlords need to ensure that their lease does not require an actual breach in order to exercise their entitlement to call on the bank guarantee. If a landlord calls upon a bank guarantee without any right to do so, they may become liable to the tenant for damages.

SMSF alert: Don't risk a new penalty!
Self Managed Super Funds (SMSFs) are growing in popularity, as more Australians decide to take retirement into their own hands. It is important to remember however that SMSF is subject to very stringent laws and regulations which govern how the Fund can be managed, and how the assets of the Fund can be used. Mitchell Zadow outlines recent changes.

Warranties in Contracts: why they really do matter!
Whenever you are buying assets or a business, make sure the contract contains all the necessary warranties to ensure you are getting what the Vendor promised. The wording of the warranties can make a big difference too. As a vendor, you need to be careful to ensure that you do not promise anything you cannot deliver, or something that may not be accurate. Read here for more information.

Unfair Dismissal compensation: A new approach
A recent case before the Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission has clarified the way compensation is calculated in unfair dismissal cases.

Beware the workplace bully!
Bullying is defined as repeated unreasonable behaviour directed at a worker or group of workers that creates a risk to health and safety and is likely to be ongoing. This can involve aggressive or intimidating conduct, unreasonable work expectations, or pressure to behave in an inappropriate manner. It does not cover reasonable management action, such as necessary performance management, so long as such action is carried out in a reasonable manner.

Don't get caught out by Privacy Act changes!
The Privacy Act protects personal information handled by large businesses (including not-for-profit organisations) with a turnover greater than $3 million and health service providers of any size. Mitchell Zadow summaries recent changes to the Act.

Taxing the family business in family law property settlements
The Australian Taxation Office ("ATO") has deemed that a distribution from a family company to a spouse/partner as part of a family law settlement as a taxable event. Settlements should be carefully considered and drafted to best manage taxation liability between the parties, particularly where a family company holds significant assets.

Goods and Service Contracts: Can one-sided contracts result in terms being void for unfairness?
The Australian Consumer Law operates to void 'unfair' contract terms in certain types of contracts between businesses and consumers. This regime applies to consumer contracts which are in a standard form, for the supply of goods, services or an interest in land, to an individual and for personal, domestic or household use.

When exercising an option, clarity is king!
Does this statement equal an enforceable exercise of option by a Tenant: "We write to advise you of our intention to exercise our lease option for a further 6 year period"? You might be surprised to find that the answer is no! Read here for more details.