We aim to provide you with proactive and strategic legal and practical advice. Our articles provide a range of interesting and helpful insights on a vast array of topics.
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Can Qualified Privilege be a Defence to an otherwise defamatory Google Review?
Your new purchase turns out to be a lemon. Before voicing your anger on social media, seek legal advice as to your rights as a customer and, further, the risks that can flow from venting your anger in the public domain. Associate Principal and Litigation Lawyer Caroline Callegari reviews a recent case.
As a Director, can I be personally liable for financial risks?
As a director, there are various situations where you are protected from being sued in your personal capacity. However, these protections should not be relied upon as there are some circumstances where you can be personally pursued for liability, Caroline Callegari explains.
Is your swimming pool or spa registered?
Swimming pools and spas have become increasingly popular additions to residential properties in Victoria. Property owners are responsible for ensuring that the pool or spa is registered and complies with safety standards, as Property Law Accredited Specialist Andre Ong explains.
'Tis the Season for Festive Celebrations: Navigating Legal Pitfalls at the Office Christmas Party
Celebrations such as the office Christmas party can sometimes test the boundaries of acceptable workplace behaviour. Mehraaz Sidhu provides some tips for employers to avoid tinsel turmoil.
Navigating solar panel installations in rented properties
Roof top solar panels are growing in popularity, including for commercial and retail properties. Property Lawyer Ignatius Suwanto highlights important points for tenants to consider.
Beware your actions online - What you post can come back to bite!
Authors of online posts have little control of just how far their posts will travel beyond their intended audience. Posting without forethought may give rise to unanticipated and unwanted consequences, as Associate Principal Caroline Callegari explains.
Going into business with family and friends? What could possibly go wrong!
Starting a business with family members or friends may seem like a good idea. But what happens when the gloss wears off? As shareholders with a financial interest, the fall out can be costly. Caroline Callegari, Associate Principal and Head of our Disputes & Litigation team explains.
Challenges against a Will: What amounts to "disentitling conduct"?
Our Wills & Estates Law team look at a recent case of ‘disentitling conduct’ where a beneficiary challenged the asset distribution in a Will.
Is this the year Insolvency returns to normal (Part 2)?
As the year 2023 draws to a close, Associate Principal Caroline Callegari provides an update on insolvency - has it returned to normal? This latest article provides some answers.
Repudiation and Termination of a Contract
In the business world, the existence of a contract may not always be an ‘iron-clad’ guarantee of performance. Our Litigation team outlines what happens when a contract cannot be honoured by one or more of the parties.
The Privacy Act - is your business compliant?
Customer data is an asset in the world of commerce. Protecting customer information with a robust Privacy Policy can protect not only your customers, but also your business. Associate Principal Caroline Callegari explains.