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April 13, 2012

A valid market rent review?

When market rent reviews in Leases are undertaken, the determination as to the new rent will generally be final. However, this might not be so when the review has been completed in a manner inconsistent with the wording of the Lease.

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April 12, 2012

Who gets the guarantee?

Can a new landlord enforce guarantees imposed by the previous landlord? Read here for more information.

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April 12, 2012

Unreasonable withholding of consent by a landlord

When can a Landlord reasonably withhold consent to a transfer of a Lease where the legal identity of the Tenant is to change? An example set out in this case explains when it is reasonable for a Landlord to withhold such consent, given the circumstances.

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April 12, 2012

Special conditions: Out of control!

Difficulties can often arise in interpreting the special conditions of a Contract when things do not go to plan. Here is an example of what can go wrong. We provide some practical tips for how to avoid ending up in a similar situation.

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April 12, 2012

Retaining a lawyer for conveyancing when selling a property

In selling your Property, you are not only dealing with a substantial asset, but you are also going to enter into a very valuable Contract with a party you probably have never met or dealt with. Given this, your rights should be properly protected from the many risks and dangers not only from the nature of the transaction but also from any actions of the Purchaser or their solicitors/conveyancers. A solicitor is best placed to give you this protection and peace of mind.

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April 12, 2012

Purchaser's nominee: Don't be left out in the cold

An agent should be aware that, in the situation where the original purchaser has nominated an alternative purchaser, original purchaser continues to be bound by the contract and not the alternative or nominee purchaser.

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April 12, 2012

Picking up the pieces of a broken contract

When a Tenant breaches their lease, all appropriate losses incurred by the Landlord should be claimed from the Tenant to ensure that the Landlord is fully returned to the same position the Landlord was in prior to the breach.

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April 12, 2012

Retaining a lawyer for conveyancing a new property

Buying real estate is a substantial commitment both financially and otherwise and your rights should be properly protected from the many risks and dangers in the transaction from the initial Contract through to settlement and beyond.

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April 12, 2012

My retail tenant is selling its business. What are my obligations?

In selling its Business, your Tenant will need to arrange for a Transfer of the Lease of the Premises from him/her/it to the Purchaser of the Business. As Landlord, your key consideration is whether to consent to such a transfer.

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April 12, 2012

Illegal job interview questions to avoid

When interviewing potential new employees, employers need to be careful about the questions they ask. Even engaging in some friendly small talk during the job interview could potentially be used later against an unwitting employer.

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April 12, 2012

Dangers in including vendor content in sales brochures

What is your liability to the Purchaser if your Vendor client has given you a diagram or content you use in your marketing that turns out to be wrong? Be aware of what representation you make when handing brochures or other documents to the Purchaser and ensure that you have suitable disclaimers in place to protect you.

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April 12, 2012

Commission on a re-sale? Not so fast!

If your client's sale falls through, always make sure you enter into a new Sale Authority if the property is going back on the market!

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