Debt Recovery

Creditors have a range of options to recover a debt. The good news is that there are solutions that do not involve litigation.


In today’s climate, we recommend that you do not delay in taking steps to enforce your debts, especially if you are an unsecured creditor. In an insolvency situation, the claims of unsecured creditors are ranked last. As a creditor, the earlier you address a debt owed to you, the better, as there may be options available to you to recover all or most of the money owed.

Creditors have a range of options to recover a debt. The good news is that there are solutions that do not involve litigation.

What if I owe money to my Creditors?

If you happen to receive a demand letter, statutory demand or some other demand for payment, it is essential that you act quickly and seek advice. Missing a deadline could have very serious consequences for your business and even for you personally.   

How Sharrock Pitman Legal can help?

Our lawyers have many years’ experience advising customers on the best approach to manage and resolve outstanding debts owed to their business or organisation.

If you are seeking to finalise a debt owed to you or if you have received a letter of demand or statutory demand, please contact our Disputes & Litigation team.

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